Importance of Time Management in Academic Writing

Time management in academic writing

In order to write an academic paper or complete an academic task, you need to start early and accordingly. Academic writing is not as easy as it seems to be. It has been considered one of the most challenging writing tasks up till now. You must have rigid authoritative resources and
supportive arguments in academic writing to complete your academic paper. Without thorough and brief research, academic writing is not complete. Statements’ precision is also a crucial aspect of academic writing. Vague ideas are duly rejected in an academic paper.

There is no alternative way to write academic papers or research because you are expected to write to the best of your writing capacity. A excellent way to evaluate and analyze your critical thinking skills to write an academic paper is to properly manage your time and then work on your academic paper.

Things get messed up and hectic when your academic tasks are mingled with your routine. However, with effective time management, you can quickly write an academic paper with less hassle and more efficiency. This blog will cover the basics of the importance of time management while writing an academic essay. Let’s briefly look at the tips and hacks for time management in academic writing.

  1. Do thorough and detailed research at the designated time:

  2. While we understand that it might be hard to get enough time to do thorough and extensive research for your academic paper, it is still essential to take some time out of your busy schedule and do extensive research on your given topic. An excellent academic article demands deep research and precision. With the scarcity of time during your college or university hours, only adequate time management can assist you in writing a well-researched academic paper. You need to pick different slots in a day and work on your research topic. Do not allocate those hours to any other task and only keep them to complete your research paper. In this way, you can quickly write a winning academic essay. After gathering enough prerequisite material, it will also be easier for you to complete your academic paper.

  3. Cut down your stress levels:

  4. A massive amount of students complain about their increasing stress day by day. Stress amongst college students is the talk of the town these days. Somewhere, this stress results from the unavailability of time and incomplete academic tasks. Students have a lot to do after their designated classes, while professors want their assigned tasks to get done within a limited time.

    The major problem of many students is procrastination. Due to this factor, students pile up their tasks, keep getting delayed, and, in the end, rush out in a hurry to complete their academic assignments. As a result, stress levels shoot up, and the quality of academic writing also gets compromised.

    The only solution to cut down your stress levels and avoid an unmanageable high amount of stress, students need to manage their time smartly and efficiently.

    Students should make a bulleted list of all the pending academic tasks, mark the assignments that need to be done at the earliest and go schedule-wise. It is imperative to avoid procrastination and rushing at the end because that will not only affect the quality of your academic task but also will impart hazardous health effects.

  5. Submit an excellent academic paper:

  6. Academic writing is quite complicated from what we know. Many students are always in a hurry to complete their writing assignments. Nonetheless, you can maintain the quality of your academic paper and submit an excellent piece of research if you can manage your time correctly. You can adequately draft, write, research and proofread your article by giving proper time to all the portions of the academic paper. If you make an appropriate timetable for your academic paper, chances are higher that your effort will be visible in the quality of your academic writing.

    Many teachers ask their students to chart their papers early in college by judging the quality of their submitted assignments. If you want to pursue a specific field in your parent institute, then make sure to dedicate enough time to your academic paper and offer an outstanding assignment that will impress your college professors. This will make things smooth and easier for you when writing your thesis or a dissertation.

  7. Adapt and learn an essential life skill:

  8. A certain number of people go through a panic state at times. The reason is their habit of not being able to manage their time efficiently and more proficiently. Time management is a fundamental life skill that should be learned and adapted from an early stage of life.

    To understand it better, let’s take an example of two workers working at the same institute while handling the same amount of work and tasks. But both of these workers have entirely different and variant approaches while completing their homework. One is always on time, while the other is not. The reflection of their working approach will be very well visible in their final completed tasks.

    One employee will make a proper schedule, plan things accordingly and tick off the task on the list when they are done. While the other employees will keep delaying, work without a plan, and eventually will rush at the end to complete their task. This way, the quality of the designated study will also be compromised.

    The same pattern is directed toward students working on academic writing tasks. It all comes down to the time management skills of students, which they should learn at an early stage of their college life. So, in the end, they do not have to run out of time and sweat over their academic assignments.

  9. Use Pomodoro Technique:

  10. It might sound funny, but how about you assume that effective time management in academic writing can be done by calculating your time in tomatoes and not hours? It does sound irrational; however, the Pomodoro technique is an effective way of managing your time. Pomodoro originally means tomatoes in Italian.

    Importance of Time Management in Academic Writing - Infographics

    What Is Pomodoro Technique?

    Pomodoro Technique is a well-known time management technique that Francesco Cirillo developed. Cirillo was a student who had severe time management issues. He always had to rush to complete his pending assignments.

    To tackle this problem, he decided to dedicate at least eight to ten minutes of his day to completing his assignments. He took up the challenge, used a kitchen timer and tomato, and hence the Pomodoro technique came into being. Pomodoro technique in five steps:

    1. Make a to-do list and set a timer.
    2. Keep the timer for 25 minutes and complete the task unless the bell rings.
    3. When the timer rings, keep one Pomodoro aside and analyze what you’ve done in the meantime.
    4. Take a small three-minute break.
    5. After ticking off four pomodoros, you can take a brief break and complete your tasks individually.

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