Qualities of a Good Research

Research comprises acquiring and compiling little by little information to advance knowledge and address issues. It is a form of art. Practice is done to improve knowledge and solve
problems. This is because research produces questions that, when addressed, bridge the knowledge gap in any sector in which it was conducted.

The task of researching is not easy. This is mainly because the material provided in a research paper is often intended for public consumption. Undoubtedly, everything manufactured for the general audience must be of high quality.

Knowing the importance of research work is the quality of that item cannot be disregarded. Thus, for research to be recognized as above standard and capable of accomplishing its fundamental objective, the researcher must exhibit specific attributes. These characteristics will enable him to create art that will stand the test of time.

Let’s dive in and learn what qualities are needed for good research.

  1. Motive

  2. A genuine motive is required for research work. It indicates that research must be undertaken with a specific and distinct purpose, aim, and reason. Defined aims and motivations should direct any investigation. Only research with a particular goal and dream will lead to an inevitable conclusion. Otherwise, it will show the researcher in the wrong direction and cause several blunders.

    The objective of research always affects where the study is currently and how far it may go. All subsequent research procedures should be motivated and objective-driven.

  3. Open to unexpected responses

  4. The goal of good research is to find answers to your research questions. Not mandatory to verify what you already believe you know. Looking for confirmation is a highly restrictive
    research method since it entails picking and choosing what material to obtain and hinders you from getting the most accurate grasp of the issue. When conducting research, have an open mind so that you may learn as thoroughly as possible.

  5. Recognize a quality source

  6. Since not every source is dependable, you must be capable of distinguishing between the acceptable and the unacceptable. Once you have chosen a reliable source, utilize your analytical and critical thinking abilities and ask yourself the following questions: Are the sources compatible with the information? Is the author’s point of view on this issue tainted by a conflict of interest? These are a few simple techniques to determine whether you are selecting the correct information.

  7. Clarity

  8. The most significant feature of any study subject is clarity. The topic should be clear enough for others to comprehend your study type. The study topic should have a single interpretation so that participants are not distracted. The issue must be pretty clear in your head for you to adequately undertake it. The study subject must be unambiguous. Clarity also implies that the study subject must be directed and set the tone for the research methodology.

  9. Precise

  10. The research technique or approach should be exact. This implies that the researcher must guarantee that the method used is suitable, relevant, and, to some extent, justified. There should be no disagreement or question about the significance of the researcher’s research. It also conveys to others that the research has put in the effort and found the correct information for others.

    Qualities of a Good Research For Writing - Infographics
  11. Simple language

  12. The language used in the study subject should be straightforward. Use technical language only when required; otherwise, use plain English that everyone can comprehend. Do not directly or indirectly introduce any bias into the study problem or research subject.

  13. Critical

  14. Critical research relates to the status of the research’s findings, method, and conclusion. The study method and its findings should be subjected to rigorous peer evaluation for the results to be fair. If the research has flaws, it cannot be considered good research.

    Critical appraisal of research refers to thoroughly and methodically reviewing a study and its findings to determine its reliability, validity, worth, and significance if the results are applied in a particular context or subject.

  15. Transparency

  16. Transparency in research means that study techniques, analyses, and data are freely (for free), clearly, and fully published and distributed. The research must be documented or presented to give detailed information on how the data was obtained and evaluated and how conclusions were reached.

    Transparency guarantees that all study findings on a given issue are accessible to scholars and the general audience. This gives a more objective and complete view of existing knowledge. While openness is essential in all forms of research, different evidence-based research traditions have created and will continue to develop distinct ways of achieving transparency.

    Now you know why most scientific writings provide detailed accounts of the research process.

  17. Replicable

  18. When an independent set of researchers can replicate the same method and obtain the same results as the original study, the research is said to be repeatable. As a result, proving its legitimacy is essential. Why should you believe something once demonstrated to be true that it will always be true? Research that has been proved to be reproducible increases trust in the findings.

    However, replicability is defined by three fundamental elements: a duplicated discovery, an independent group, and the employment of legitimate but diverse methodologies.
    Separate researchers must also conduct the replication technique. This reduces the possibility of selection bias or other shady influences influencing the research.

  19. Empirical

  20. It signifies that the results and conclusions are based on facts or evidence from the study subjects. The researcher’s research should be based on observations, real-life experimentation, or direct-life experiments. The approach and procedure in the study should be proven entirely and therefore stands for critical assessment.

    As a result, we refer to a systematic procedure when we speak of a research or research study. This process is within the set of methods, employing techniques and strategies previously evaluated for validity and reliability. The output of the research is unbiased.

  21. The Bottom Line

  22. This guide to the characteristics of effective research may assist you in determining if your study is on the right road. A good research topic is the foundation of a reasonable investigation and informs the research process, including data collecting and analytic methodologies

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